And, this section helps you to understand how to add the background image in an Html page using the background attribute. Using these steps, we can easily view an image on a web page: Step 1: Firstly, we have to type the Html code in any text editor or open the existing Html file in the text editor in which we want to use the background attribute. Include the alternative (alt) attribute so you can name your image. And you'll also learn how to make that image responsive to your users' screen size. You can use a file name or a URL as the source. This tutorial will show you a simple way to code a full page background image using CSS. Include the source (src) attribute inside the image tag, so your browser knows where to look for the image. To add images you need to use the image tag. Otherwise it automatically set the default size of image. You can also set the width and height to the image. Write the image name with extension into the img tag. How to insert image in HTML using notepad code? It is simple to insert image in HTML using notepad code. How to insert image in HTML Using Notepad code? The src attribute is used to add the image source i.e. Just keep in mind that you should use the tag inside … tag. It is an empty tag, containing only attributes since the closing tag is not required. To insert image in an HTML page, use the tags.

To fix this, you need to set a background-repeat css property to no-repeat. What is the HTML code to insert a picture? If the background image size is smaller than the html element, then the image will repeat horizontally and vertically to cover the entire element size.